management and certification
We are only satisfied when our customers are satisfied. That is why the quality and continuous improvement of our products, services and processes is our top priority - all employees contribute to quality through their individual performance and assume their share of responsibility. The quality team (consisting of quality management, quality assurance and welding department) provides cross-sectional support along the entire value chain.
The process-oriented FFG quality management system guarantees optimal design and standardization of company processes. The goal is to maintain and increase effectiveness and efficiency without losing sight of the necessary flexibility. Our quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and meets much higher requirements in many areas.
The process-oriented FFG quality management system ensures optimal design and standardization of corporate processes. The goal is to maintain and increase effectiveness and efficiency without losing sight of the necessary flexibility. Our quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and meets much higher requirements in many areas.
Quality is also a top priority in the field of welding technology. Its basis is our approval according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2, which defines the comprehensive quality requirements for a fusion welding company. By maintaining this and various other welding manufacturer certificates, FFG has continuously built up its technical know-how over decades and is thus always in a position to meet demanding customer requirements at short notice in the most diverse product segments for the fields of defence technology, vehicle construction, railroad technology or general steel and aluminium construction.
FFG and its subsidiaries are jointly committed to the following quality policy:
- Our quality forms the basis for securing our success and the long-term development of the company.
- We align ourselves with the requirements of the market and meet the challenges with quality, reliability and service.
- We work in partnership with our customers and suppliers and ensure a confidential handling of information.
- Our qualified staff and appropriate working environment are the basis for our success. Every employee contributes to the implementation to the quality policy.
- We continuously improve our corporate processes and the quality management system, taking into account applicable regulations.
- We consider stakeholders beyond the boundaries of FFG and are aware of our social responsibility.