PMMC G5 - Maximum flexibility with mission modules

The development of the Protected Mission Module Carrier (PMMC) G5 by FFG represents a milestone in the development of "mission vehicles". The symbiosis of flexibility and mobility is the result of an intensive development and production phase. The focus here is on protection, flexibility and ergonomics.

Protecting the armed forces in the field is a top priority. Even in its basic configuration, the PMMC G5 offers above-average protection against mine and IED threats. With the addition of add-on armour, ballistic protection can be significantly increased with little effort.

The advanced technology ensures that adaptations can also be increased in the future. FFG will continue to use the PMMC G5 for research and development projects and studies.

Key features

  • Universal support platform
  • Excellent mobility even in rough terrain thanks to a composite rubber track
  • Innovative visibility concept for the driver
  • High payload with maximum protected interior space
  • High protection level
  • Comprehensive situational awareness (360° Situational Awareness)



Over the years, FFG has continuously developed the PMMC G5. For example, empirically collected data from desert testing in Abu Dhabi and winter testing in Norway provided new insights that were incorporated into the continuous improvement of the vehicle. Thanks to the possibilities for individualization provided by standardized interfaces, it has been possible to create a variety of mission modules for specific applications.


Replacement of kits and mission modules can be performed within a few hours, even in the field. The advanced technology as well as the robust vehicle design, combined with a simple service and maintenance concept, make the PMMC G5 a very cost-effective solution with low life cycle costs.

Know-how and experience

The basic purpose of the PMMC G5 was and is to test technologies and concepts under realistic conditions. The PMMC G5 provided FFG with the know-how and experience that were ultimately decisive in commissioning the development of the Armoured Combat Support Vehicle ACSV G5 for the Norwegian Army. The first prototype of the ACSV G5 has already been extensively tested; series production will begin in 2021.



Performance data


  1. 1995
  2. 2009
  3. 2012
  4. 2013
  5. 2017
  6. Summer 2017
  7. 2018
  8. Winter 2018
  9. 2020
  10. 2021

Further information


